Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nature Hike - POSTPONED due to bad weather!

Hey trailblazers, we did not hike on Saturday, February 28 due to bad weather. Rugged explorers though we are, we will probably get more recruits if we hike when it's not snowing!

I will leave the basic details of the event here, as they will stay the same even if the date changes.

What: Day Hike
Where: Busiek State Park
When: POSTPONED due to bad weather; new date to be determined!
Who: Anyone who is interested can come! This event is open to all Drury students, faculty, and staff. You might even be able to bring a friend from outside the school if you want.
Why: Because it will be tons of fun! We can observe wild animals and plants while soaking in the tranquil beauty of our surroundings.

How (AKA The Game Plan): Meet at the FSC circle (by the fountains). We will carpool from there to Busiek. If you have a car, please volunteer to drive. If you are planning to get a ride with someone, please bring a couple bucks to help pay for gas. Otherwise, this event is FREE.

We will hike until the mid or late afternoon and be back to campus before dark. Please BRING YOUR OWN WATER/BEVERAGE in a reusable bottle. We do not buy bottled water for our events anymore, as it is wasteful even if we do recycle. Some snacks will be provided, but we won't eat a meal on the trail, so eat a nice breakfast before we leave.

This hike will not be strenuous or dangerous, though it will be long. Busiek is a beautiful area with many interesting sights.

For more information, don't hesitate to contact me.

Hope to see you on the trail!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We Came, We Climbed, We Conquered!

Fellow explorers,
last Thursday's rock climbing adventure was a blast! We had 10 people show up, including a few first-time climbers. We hope to get more interest at the next event! Hey, Editing and Publishing students, come on out!

Is it intimidating to scale a rock wall? Surely it is. However, every distance can be crossed, every height attained. It will be no easy task. You may have to use muscles you never knew existed. But the path to glory is never easy. You can persevere! And the elation you feel upon reaching the silver bar at the summit is worth all the sore shoulders in the world.

Glory to Outdoor Club and the valiant mountaineers who triumphed on this day!

(Please excuse the tendency to wax poetic.)

Our next trip to Petra will be on March 5. But before then, we are taking a nature hike! The destination has yet to be decided, but the date is February 28. This will be an all-day event. Stay tuned for more details!

Speaking of intimidation, we also have a March 14 trip to the Andy Dalton Shooting Range for archery and handguns. As with all our events, no prior experience is required! Come as you are and be prepared to conquer your fears.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rock Climbing, Thursday, February 12

If you want to get involved in Outdoor Club, come hit the walls with us this week! We are climbing at Petra Gym this Thursday, February 12, starting at 6 PM.

What: Rock climbing
When: 6 PM, Thursday, Feb 12
Why: Because it's fun! It provides a great workout too for those seldom-used lower arm muscles.
Where: Meet in the FSC circle (by the fountains) at 6 PM to carpool. If you know where Petra is, feel free to go and meet us there. However, if you show up after 6:30 PM, the club will NOT pay for you.
Who: Anyone can come, as long as we have enough drivers (please offer to carpool if you have a vehicle). Simply show up! Sign-ups are not required.
Cost: FREE before 6:30 PM. If you plan to ride with someone, please offer gas money!

All equipment will be provided by the gym. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothes. No previous climbing experience is required for this trip! There are easy walls for beginners, more challenging walls, and some insane inverted arrangements that must be conquered by astonishing feats of athleticism. In short, fun for everyone!

If you are curious about the facilities we're using,
check out Petra's web site:

Hope to see you there!


(These photos feature Drury students and Outdoor Club leaders having a grand time at Petra.)

A Message from your Fearless Leader

Hello adventurers, welcome to the blog of Drury University's Outdoor Club! Here you will find news and updates about Outdoor Club's activities. We are an official campus organization dedicated to anything and everything outdoors. We go hiking, caving, canoeing, horseback riding, rock climbing, shooting, paintballing, and more. For spring 2009, we have planned several rock climbing trips to Petra Gym--yeah, so we do SOME stuff indoors--as well as a nature hike, shooting trip, float trip, and cookout.

I have been an officer in Outdoor Club for four years and its President since 2008. I wasn't always this active in the outdoors, and the Club has taught me much! I now know how to administer CPR, shoot rifles/shotguns/pistols/bows, row properly, ride properly, and belay. I wouldn't call myself an expert at any of these, but at least I have the experience (and a shiny belay certification card)! The world has so much awesomeness to be enjoyed, even from a small Midwestern college town. If you don't believe me, come to an Outdoor Club event and see for yourself!

Amy Freeland
Outdoor Club President