Monday, March 30, 2009

April Events: Take Me to the River!

Welcome back, fearless adventurers! I hope everyone had a great spring break. Didja do outdoorsy things? If not, or even if so, get your fill now with Outdoor Club. We're getting back in gear with a couple awesome events for you: Climbing at Petra (you should know all about that by now) and a float trip to the Niangua or Buffalo River.

Monday, April 13: Climbing at Petra Gym
6 PM - 9 PM
Meet in the FSC Circle at 6 to carpool, or meet us at the gym before 6:30.
Cost: FREE before 6:30. If you show up after 6:30, Outdoor Club cannot pay for you. Sorry!
Check out Petra's Web site:

Saturday, April 25: Float Trip to Niangua or Buffalo River (exact location TBD)
More details on this trip forthcoming! We are hoping for the Niangua, as it is only a 1-hour drive from campus, whereas the Buffalo is 2 1/2 or 3 hours away.
This event will start in the morning and last all through the afternoon, probably into the evening. Times TBD. We will also need an EXACT head count for this trip so we know how many canoes to rent.
Cost: FREE, unless we manage to generate an insane amount of interest and need more canoes than we thought. We would like to cap attendance at 20 or 25 people; beyond that, we may require a small fee for the canoe rental.

Hope to see you at these awesome events! Stay safe but intrepid!

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