Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pictures from Float Trips of Previous Years

Hello outdoor adventurers... First of all, we will probably have to cancel the float trip due to lack of interest. But if we suddenly get 10 or more people interested, we can probably do it. If we get enough interest, that will happen this weekend, on Saturday, April 25. I thought I'd show you some pictures from previous float trips to maybe get people interested or show you what you'll be missing out on.

Here are our two faculty sponsors on the Hootentown River in Fall 2006. Dr. R at the back end is no longer a sponsor, but Dr. L at the front still is.

The water was fine, so I had a swim. Please excuse the crazy hair.

This photo is from the Spring 2006 trip to the Buffalo River. Yes, people were cliff diving into the water. It's deeper than it looks from this angle!

Hootentown, fall 2005.

Buffalo, Spring 2007.

Our last float trip was in April 2008, but I can't seem to find any pictures of that event. I did not go, at any rate.

So, we will probably not have the float trip this weekend because no one seems interested. The Club is at a sad state, or we are all too busy with end-of-semester stuff. I know I am.

Since no one expressed any interest in the cookout either, we have chosen a date of May 9. This will be advertised in my next post.

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