Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wanna Have a Cookout? Just Say When!

Hey outdoor explorers! Here is a friendly reminder about our next two events. You should already know about them from previous posts. But wait, there's more! Maybe YOU can help us plan our next event.

Climbing at Petra Gym
Monday, April 13 (the day after Easter)
6 PM - 9 PM

Floating/Canoeing at the Niangua River
Saturday, April 25
Times/details TBA (See my previous post for what you may need on a float trip)

So, those events you already know about... But what about our traditional end-of-year barbecue? If you, dear reader, want to come, then we want to work around your schedules.

End-of-Semester Cookout at Jude Ranch
Date: Whenever YOU want!

Saturday is the most convenient day of the week for all us Outdoor Club officers to have a cookout, but it should really be whatever works best for our fearless explorers. Here are some possible dates:
  • Saturday, April 18
  • Saturday, May 2
  • Saturday, May 9
I put the 18th on there to give a wider range of choices, but if we do it then, we'll be having 3 events within 2 weeks. That sounds a little crazy to me! We normally like to have a week to advertise before trips and get the word out. The event would be easiest to coordinate for early May. Which of the two weekends before finals works best for everyone? Please leave a comment to let me know, if you are interested in attending, of course.

So, what is this cookout all about? It will be a very casual get-together that does NOT require any strenuous activity or mad skillz. We're just gonna hang out and grill up some burgers, brats, hot dogs, and veggiemeats for herbivores like me. A good time will be had by all.

And let me tell you, Jude Ranch is a beautiful place. It's actually President Parnell's land, but he will let us borrow it. For cookouts in the past, we have just gone to local parks and used the grills and benches. We thought that was a good setup, but then we discovered the Ranch. Once you go Jude, you never go--uh--you never go back. Darnit. (Once you go Jude, you never go nude? Well, naked cookouts sure sound like a bad idea...) Aha! Until you go Jude, you haven't really barbecued. Or something like that.

Jude Ranch is a gorgeous natural area with lots of woods to explore, huge ponds stocked with fish (bring some poles if you'd like), and rock cliffs complete with waterfalls. Yes, waterfalls. There are many beautiful wildflowers that should be in full bloom when we go. You can explore in the woods if you want, or you can just hang around by the fire pits and enjoy your cookout from a lawn chair. The huge grill and fire pits are located in a nice little outdoor patio with plenty of sitting room. And right next to that is a guest lodge, designed for indoor gatherings when the weather isn't so nice. It's just about the most amazing lodge ever. It has a very rustic design with natural wood paneling, rock slabs underfoot, and even a mini stream/waterfall setup inside. We will have complete run of the Ranch whenever we decide to have our cookout, and while we will spend all or most of that time outside, the lodge is still worth peeking into.

Things to watch out for: There may be ticks in the woods, so wear long pants. And there are two or three dogs that enjoy the run of the place even when there are no people around. They're super friendly and harmless, but they may be hard to fend off if you don't want them near you.

I think that about covers it. I'll look through my Outdoor Club photos and try to find some good ones of this place (as well as pics from our float trips so you can get a feel for those too).

If you are interested in attending this cookout, please leave a comment here letting me know which date would work best for you!

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