Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Your President is Peeved.

As you know, we had a climbing trip scheduled for yesterday. I showed up in the FSC circle shortly before 6:00, the appointed meeting time, and waited for the drivers to show up. (I know that at least two people who said they were coming had cars and had driven the carpools to Petra in the past.) The drivers never showed up. My first thought was that they had all left early and left without me. But no, as it turns out, NO ONE showed up to Petra except the faculty sponsor, who drove there on her own (and told the group beforehand that that's what she was going to do). We had created a Facebook event for this trip, and 8 other people said they were coming. Apparently, 8 people--including two officers--flaked out without telling anyone.

I was looking forward to a happy post-event update with some photos and reminders of things to come. Now, I need to write a not-so-happy e-mail to my fellow officers so we can sort through whatever organizational issues led to this mess. Sorry for the lack of exciting times. But, I can still post reminders for upcoming events. We'll have to require sign-ups so people will actually show up.

Saturday, April 25 - Float Trip, Niangua River
I still have to call and set the details of this trip, such as the location (second choice is the Buffalo River). This will be an all-day event. If you want to know what a float trip is all about, please see my earlier posts, "Take Me to the River!" and "Drop Me in the Water! (Wait, Do Fish Pee in There?)"
Sign-ups WILL be required.

Saturday, May 2 OR Saturday, May 9 - Cookout at Jude Ranch
Evening event
See my previous post for more details. If you want to come and have a preference between these two dates, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me which date would work better for you. Come on, someone must be interested in this. Free food, free fun, hanging out, the chance to explore a beautiful woods, lots of streams, big waterfalls, neat lodge, the whole place to ourselves!
Sign-ups WILL be required.

I was glad to see some of the Editing and Publishing crew at the range trip. I hope some of you are interested in these upcoming events too. They're just as fun as playing with guns and even less intimidating. But they'll be a lot less fun, and I'll be a lot more intimidating, if no one expresses any interest.

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